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Explore with curiosity, creativity, and compassion.

One beautiful young woman is doing yoga on an exercise mat in her living room. The room an
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Heather is a voice instructor, voice coach, and yoga teacher based out of Manhattan, KS. She has a master's degree in voice from Kansas State University and teaches privately from her home studio and on zoom. Heather has worked as a singer, stage and commercial actor, and print model throughout the Midwest and Northern California.  She has studied classical voice, musical theatre, and trauma-informed voice care. Heather is a registered yoga teacher with certifications in trauma-sensitive yoga, yoga for all bodies, yoga for trans-inclusive spaces, and yoga for eating disorder recovery. She is on the teaching faculty at Yoga for Eating Disorders. She also teaches Yoga for Singers and public in-person classes for individuals and groups. Creativity, curiosity, and compassion can be found at the heart of all her teaching.

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Individual voice lessons in-person or on zoom for classical or musical theatre training. Lessons will focus on technique and repertoire, discovering and celebrating your own, unique voice.

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Individual sessions to prepare for an audition, role, or performance. Focus is on stage-presence, presentation, style, diction, movement, and character.


These gentle yoga classes are for anyone seeking to heal the relationship between body and mind that was disrupted due to disordered eating. You do not have to have an eating disorder diagnosis to take these classes. If you feel you would benefit, they are available to you. One-on-one classes are taught through Body Breath Voice. Group classes are through Yoga for Eating Disorders on Zoom or Unbound Eating Disorder Treatment Center in person.

Harmony, balance, zen and peace concept. Indoor shot of plus size barefoot young brunette
One beautiful young woman is doing yoga on an exercise mat in her living room. The room an


These classes can be done one-on-one or as a group, in-person or on zoom. Yoga for Singers provides a focus on freedom and ease in the body and breath. It is an opportunity to build trust in the singing body, bring awareness to body and breath sensations, and develop a yoga practice that supports singing and the singer.


TSY offers a supportive and compassionate space to help you navigate the effects of trauma throughout the mind, body, and spirit. It is designed to empower you with choice, off you rest, and restore balance to the nervous system. In bringing awareness to your natural breath and moving slowly through gentle yoga poses, you have an opportunity to practice self-compassion and strengthen your ability to cope with overwhelm. Your trauma-informed practice will be uniquely your own. This is not a striving practice but an invitation to discover resilience within your body. You are worthy of ease, care, and rest.

Yoga teaching

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I can hold space for both discovery and mystery in my innately creative, intelligent singing body.

Megan Duram, Respire Vocal Wellness

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